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Cambrils / News / Art

More than 350 horses this weekend at the Fira del Cavall XX Cambrils

More than 350 horses this weekend at the Fira del Cavall XX Cambrils

Over 350 horses will meet this weekend in Cambrils during the XX Cavall of Fira de Cambrils, a sample over the years has become a benchmark level state for the quality and quantity of individuals that are can see. The most important ingredients of days that will live in Cambrils with the horse as a major player from start this Wednesday, June 17, when it is expected that participants arriving horses. Throughout Thursday proceed with the first morphological stage of the competition, open to around the world who want to see how it develops, consisting of the valuation issues that arise. It takes into account their physical appearance and movements of copy when analyzed goes to the step, trot and gallop. In the previous phase of the competition, ending on Saturday, involves around 200 horses. Moreover, on Friday night will be the official opening and from the start 21'30 horse show this year by the French Christophe Chaussy. The entrance has a price of six euros. Note that Chaussy action will be completed with the involvement of horses of the three blocks that participate in this local paragraph and, finally, with the performance of the Cobra Farm Military stop stallions army copies they rarely leave their usual venue but will be in Cambrils to celebrate the 20th edition of the Fair of Cavall. The Saturday events continue with dressage, and by night again with the horse show. Finally, Sunday carry out the awards during the morning and activities for children while at night, in this case 20 h. begin the last session of the horse show. The Economic Development of alderman of the City Council of Cambrils Oliver Klein, highlighted during the presentation of the event upward trend which has seen the sample and the turnover generated by this activity, which mobilized over several days thousands of people. The site where the activities take place is located in Parc Pinaret of Cambrils, and only the observation of corrals where the horses are installed, the market street with all sorts of objects associated with these animals or causing racking competitions are already a espectáculo que attracts a large audience. Overall it is envisaged that about 20,000 people visit the show. La Fira del Cavall Cambrils is organized by the Association of Supporters of the Spanish purebred horses of Cambrils entity pomovió this show for the first time 20 years ago and the councilman Oliver Klein thanked as was the engine and main promoter of this prestigious event.

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